In Tools for Being Free I spoke of the education of the free; what is known as “classical liberal education,” composed of the Trivium and the Quadrivium. That essay laid out trail markers for a course of study to begin to master the Trivium and apply it to our way of living. Gaining some practiced competence at applying the Trivium to our actual life takes a good two years of application. The benefits we derive, however, last a lifetime and create a legacy for those who follow in our footsteps. Studying the Quadrivium reveals the Emergent Harmonic Principles out of which Reality unfolds at all levels, coherently. This is the study of the Ages and an adventure of unending discoveries.
Pursuit of coherent knowing, grounded in appreciation for micro and macro-emergent inter-relatedness and consequences allows us to live our lives creatively and in tune with the Universal Harmonic Principles out of which Reality weaves itself.
Pursuit of “knowledge,” without an appreciation that effects generated at one level of reality impact all related and emergent levels of reality, generates increasing incoherence at all levels, which is precisely what we are seeing at levels of modern “culture,” or “anti-culture,” to honor the sense of the words we use and what they point to, in reality.
The Trivium, from the Latin tri: “three” + vium: “ways,” is composed of three, sequenced paths, or steps, for coming into a coherent comprehension of reality. The order of the three ways is critical.
I invite you to a quick review of both the Trivium and the Quadrivium, and then a fun introduction to how, exactly, all of this interrelates.
- The first step, Grammar, invites close, sustained observation and fact gathering. This is done by asking, with our senses, the who, what, where, when questions, gathering the data of what it is that we are examining, observing it closely, and with our senses, not just cogitating mentally. True Learning and True Intelligence are adventures in contact and sense-ability, with reality.
- The second step, Logic requires examining the data and information gathered in the first step, and removing and resolving the contradictions. Contradictions often point to a lack of thoroughness in examining the world, in gathering our data and, often, to contradictions between the language we use to describe reality and reality itself. (This is a big challenge in imperial languages designed to inventory and categorize, rather than invoke and call attention to dynamic relationships and changes.) In this step, we also begin to see the relationships, permutations and consequences of “the data” gathered in step one, especially as our observations proceed over time. In this step we use our senses to answer the question why? This is a dynamic process, where logic calls us back to the world with our senses even more open, more attentive, more observant, observing not only the world, but even our habits of observation and description, and whether or not there’s a match, or mismatch, with reality. With logic we begin to discover inter-relatedness and consequence.
- The third step, Rhetoric, resolves the question of how to communicate, to our fellow human beings, what we have discovered in steps 1 & 2. This step can be used to reveal truth, to hide it, or to outright deceive, which is precisely what the Sophists ended up doing.
You very likely recognize the names of these three steps and may be convinced that you’ve already learned the Trivium, and you did, but in a very odd way that crippled, rather than awakened your coherent grasp of reality. This has a history, which we explored in the last three posts (I, II, III). Notice your reactions and impressions when you hear these words:
- Grammar
- Logic
- Rhetoric
Do your eyes glaze over? Before discovering the trivium via the resources I put forward in Tools for Being Free mine certainly would have.
Here’s the catch: most of us learned grammar. A few of us have learned logic. And fewer yet have learned rhetoric and how to recognize logical fallacies. (If you’d like to have fun with fallacies, try These ways of inquiry go all the way back to the cultures of classical Greece, and are present in all initiatic traditions of free people.
So what’s the big deal about grammar, logic, and rhetoric, if we already learned them?
The question lies in what kind of grammar, logic, and rhetoric we learned, and the order we learned to use them in.
Here’s something surprising, which reveals something critical about our “modern” culture today, placed in a historical context. In classical Greece many slaves had tremendous levels of talent, culture, instruction, and responsibility. Many slaves were taught grammar, even logic, just as we are today. Allow me to repeat that: just as we are today.
Since 2009, many of my workshops around the world were attended by people with doctorates in education. None of these people had any education, in the classical sense, or could clearly articulate what the differences between education and instruction were. None of them even suspected that education was almost entirely absent from their academic experience, until I led them step-by-step to its discovery.
Intense and profound instructional programming is learning’s perfect contrary. It creates a neurology primed for pre-baked, or even self-baked answers, and labels, but not for the quality of attention and connection to reality that true learning evolves in.
In classical Greece many households had their finances, even their businesses, managed by slaves. In order to do this, slaves were taught abbreviated versions of the trivium and quadrivium, as they are taught in modern “schooling” today. Slaves were taught the quantitative versions while the qualitative versions were never taught, and entirely ignored. They were also taught the trivium in reverse: from rhetoric, to logic, to whatever fact-gathering supported the “authoritative” story line, just as in modern “schooling,” where the key is on “having the right answer” where the “answer” comes from “authority” rather than self-led and coherent discovery.
The programmed instruction masquerading as “schooling” and “universities,” today, cripples intelligence. Most people subjected to them are convinced that they have “studied” whatever subject matter they were instructed in, never questioning how they “studied” it.
When you hear the word “grammar,” what subject matter do you think of?
Most will answer “language,” because we learned the grammar of language.
A few of us also learned the logic of language. Some may even have learned “formal statement logic.”
These have been taught to slaves for millenia. They train people to define the world through words. This creates someone who is useful, who can be made use of, who is “employable” – a human resource, in contrast to a spiritually-adult, self-mastering human being – with high level skills, yet fundamentally unable to lead themselves beyond the illusory cultural impressionarium. They approach life through labeling and definition, moralizing and emotionalizing, yet remain blind to the fundamental, qualitative aspects of living, dynamic, changing reality.
Such a slave never requires chains. His life is walled in by the definitions of reality’s limits in his mind. He will not explore the true limits of reality because “he knows better.” Once again, the perfect example of putting rhetoric before logic, and logic before grammar, or fact-finding.
To see this up close and personally, over years, across languages, cultures, and national identities was a powerful wake-up call to how these dynamics play out in the lives of people around the world. What I saw, and continue to see, playing out in the lives of people around me, quite frankly blows my mind. And it is not getting better.
I knew the history, the methods and the tactics of this general dumbing down for decades before going out to teach. But I never imagined how thorough a job has been done on modern humans by what amounts to fully-weaponized culture. Going out there and teaching people showed first-hand how profound, lasting, and resistant to reality a person’s perception remains after decades of programmed instruction and the habits of mind that this hard wires into our neurology. I resisted what I saw. I couldn’t accept it. It didn’t fit my worldview, my ideas, or my ideals.
Even though I can write these articles, and “know” everything I write about, the actual application of what the words can only point to is a challenge that only I can invite myself to, from moment to moment. So in my non-acceptance of what I experienced, I tried to put my “worldview” before my actual viewing of the world. I tried to put my rhetoric before discovering the grammar of reality. Eventually reality challenged me to keep viewing the world, and to learn something.
Quantitative and definitional instruction sets up an internalized obstacle to coherent awareness of reality. People at the helm of our economy profit from the predictable habits of a public mystified by words and the pronouncements of “experts.”
Although the free, indigenous Greeks certainly learned and mastered the grammar, logic and rhetoric of language, their training emphasizes something far more fundamental: discovering the general grammar and logic underlying reality, not just language.
Slaves don’t learn in contact with reality. They lead task-based lives and “learning” is another one of those tasks. They are taught in the absence of sense-able contact with what they only learn about, but never with. Slave instruction is descriptive, quantitative and disconnected. Slaves learn through image and verbal representation, yet without the presence of that which they are “learning” about, but not with. Slaves are in-structed (literally “to penetrate with a heaping up”) between four walls in sensory isolation. The Free are educated (literally “led out” ) in sense-able contact with what they are learning. Does this sound at all familiar to you? It sure sounds like the “schooling” I got.
True consciousness requires conscience, from the Latin com- : “with,” or “thoroughly” + scire “to know” (see science). To be conscious is to know with, and thoroughly, and not in the absence-of, and only to the point of applying the correct label. Someone who learns disconnectedly and dissociatively is literally unconscious. How immune most people’s unconsciousness is, to reality, has been stunning to observe.
“Modern schooling” is modeled on classical slave programming; learning through representation. Once we have learned about a “tree,” drawn upon a blackboard, and had all of “its” details drummed into our heads in the absence of contact and relationship with a real tree, we go into a forest and only see “trees.”
-“What do you see?”
“A tree!” the child responds, and having said “tree” remains convinced, for a lifetime, that he can actually SEE.
With the reversal of grammar and logic, only those “facts” (reduced to ideas, words and labels) which fit the foregone conclusion (logic) are accepted, and observation ends when we are satisfied that we applied the correct label. Only those details which have been described are ever perceived. First there’s a description of the world, then the facts are hunted for which fit it. For slaves, rhetoric comes before logic, which comes before grammar.This is precisely how to cripple self-mastery.
Mastery comes from the French word maître, which, classically, referred to someone who had achieved consummate competence in a field of endeavor, and generally one of those Old School Craftsmen in the guild system where all arts were taught coherently and as expressions of micro-cosmic to macro-cosmic principles.
Please reread the descriptions of the three elements of the trivium and their order, and work out what this implies, as an approach to life and the world, and how you learned to orient, or disorient yourself, in it. Only you can catch what these words can only point to. Work it out step-by-step and you’ll discover something rather astounding. You can’t get it by reading or repeating these words. You have to actually challenge yourself to perceive how you engage with reality, and then continue to challenge yourself.
You can’t consume learning, you have to grow it, in yourself, and from the Ground up. No one but you can do that. This happens at the speed and in the logic of life, which grows new neural connections and true intelligence through contact, curiosity, adventure and sense-able delight.
Find a problem you are tangling with. Examine how you approach it. Apply what I just pointed to here. Once you get it you’ll see how profound the trivium is, as a tool for engaging coherently with reality. The slower you go, the more you’ll discover. When I say “slower,” I mean doing it step by step, methodically, slowly, not presuming to “know” anything.
Invite yourself to rediscover everything, especially that which seems most obvious to you. If you work this out practically and methodically, your approach to “the world” will bring you into coherence with a world that actually exists. You will discover greater dimensions of possibility and ease, much closer at hand than you ever imagined – but didn’t notice.
You will be applying and growing in the logic of Universal Harmonic Principles in act and in fact, and not just as some ideas.
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave merits a slow, close read to understand how far back this “making of impressions” upon the minds of an impressionable, and thus enslaved, public goes.
In our supposed “science,” today, the same problem occurs. Thomas Kuhn wrote a whole book entitled The Structure of Scientific Revolutions on the topic. Little does he appreciate, however, how profoundly altered our sense of science continues to be due to the elimination of a coherent way of educating ourselves.
Yet in hindsight, the wholesale removal of a harmonic foundation from the methods of science may have seriously impeded scientific progress. Some argue that this decision led to a disorganized and fragmented study of nature, resulting in the tentative, incompatible and rather dogmatic scientific formulae known as the Standard Model. Contrary to Sir Francis’ original intent, the rejection of harmonic science may have opened the door for even bigger idols to sway the cause of science.
Today, acceptance of contradictory theories have led to wildly different models for even the most common phenomena, not the least of which is gravity, the structure of the vacuum and human perception. Without a unified foundation, the language of science has become increasingly arcane, heavily barnacled and decidedly obtuse, a veritable Tower of Babel, making it difficult for anyone outside of a given field of specialty to comprehend and integrate much of the scientific research now available.
At the same time, there is a rising chorus of scientists around the world who complain of unreasonable and unfair barriers to the publishing of their work. Journal review boards, controlled by older generations bent on defending their life’s work, often reject studies that do not conform to already accepted models, even in the face of compelling evidence showing errors in such established models. But, this is not all that now haunts Bacon’s scientific method. “ -Richard Merrick, Toward a New Harmonic Framework. (This is an excellent introduction to how modern [from the Latin modo: “just-right-now”] science is crippled from its severance from the original sciences and a method of “learning” largely divorced from sense-able engagement with the world.)
We have already seen how this has deeply distorted what we call medicine today.
With the destruction of our ancestral European cultures, and the imposition of ignorance (the insistence on ignoring what we don’t “like” or what doesn’t fit our preconceptions), as the cultural operating system for the better part of a thousand years, our notions of science continue to be, literally, about 3000 years in arrears. Yes, we have made tremendous “advances,” but only in a manner which puts our existence into profound incoherence, with a science that “advances” in a techno-logical vision of the universe at odds with the logic of Life itself.
We go on to conclude that this integral and increasing incoherence reveals some flaw in “human nature,” conveniently ignoring that there are thousands of other ways of being human that don’t relate to reality incoherently, as we do, nor do they seek to submit all other humans, and other living beings, to a way of being that is incoherent with life.
Our conundrum is not a flaw of “human nature.” It is a perfect consequence of a way of relating, imposed upon us over a thousand years ago, and reproduced through disrupted mother-child and family dynamics, that pretends that reality isn’t real, that consequences are irrelevant, and that we can evolve a “culture” based on systematic frustration and exploitation of our humanity, and our entire reality. This constitutes psychosis on a mass scale.
The destruction of ancestral European culture by the Roman Catholic Church, and the manipulation of slaves through religions such as Christianity, was so thorough that most of what we know about the ancient Greeks, as merely one example, we get by way of the Arabs. The vast libraries and centers of wisdom and learning which existed throughout Europe were systematically destroyed, their scholars burnt at the stake.
What little we can cobble together of our pre-Christian history is thanks to the Arabs who preserved many of the ancient Greek texts and their sciences. Classical Islam valued knowledge of the world, and those who cultivated it, rather than seeking to exterminate wisdom at every turn.
Alejandro Amenábar’s film Ágora illuminates some of this history and the nature of the wisdom schools of Alexandria, including its library holding works of science and wisdom from around the world, and such amazing scholars as the scientist and sage, Hypatia, before they were destroyed by the Christians. You will begin to appreciate how Emergent Harmonic Principles were discovered, studied and observed by such scholars.
Looking at modern culture (really, a way of relating, or avoiding relating), whether mainstream or “alternative” (actually an essential part of the imperial system), and how it plays out in our ways of relating to the word, l begin to notice how often we “massage” our actual, sensory input to “fit” the “worldview” we have of the world, regardless of what we’re actually viewing in the world.“Modern culture,” since the advent of television, is almost 100% corporate-mediated culture. Even before the reversal of grammar and logic, most peoples’ neurologies are flooded with endless programming (i.e. rhetoric) which blasts us, on an ongoing basis, with images streamed at such a rapid rate that we never have the time to ask “Who? What? Where? When?” before we’re blasted with the next images, accompanied by narratives that often contradict the images we are seeing, skillfully woven of logical fallacies.
Once acculturated to the reversal of grammar, logic and rhetoric, we spend our lives deciding what to pay attention to, based on what our narrative (rhetoric) is. No greater organizing principle guides our supposed way of learning than our personal “likes” and “dislikes.” First the story line, then the “logic” divested of any capacity to recognize fallacies, and only lastly whatever facts accommodate the story line. This leaves us psychotically mystified, yet absolutely out of touch with the mysterious and sense-able reality which surrounds and inhabits us.
“Of course, the toxic bullshit of incessant advertising and show biz for nearly a century has stripped us of cognitive abilities for dealing with reality that used to be part of the normal equipment of adulthood – for instance, knowing the difference between wishing for stuff and making stuff happen. We bamboozled ourselves with too much magic.” —James Kunstler
Many of us, in reading this, think “this is awful.” I challenge you to be more curious. We inhabit a culture and a society of suckers, to use Nassim Taleb’s term, whose life efforts are “harvestable” at periodic intervals most recently labeled “economic setback, recessions, and depressions” which most people have no internal method for understanding coherently and in a fabric of consequences.
As I write this at the beginning of 2016, the world is poised on the verge of a Greater Depression, and a form of global totalitarianism the likes of which most would prefer to blithely ignore. It is not going to be pretty.
Slaves are people dispossessed of their own consciousness (literally “knowing-WITH,” not just “knowing-about”) and set against doing what it takes to become aware.
This website, and my life’s work, are dedicated to sharing the adventure of learning and unlearning with those dedicated to reversing this trend in ourselves, and quietly, skillfully finding our way through the madness of a waylaid humanity and through the Beauty and Dignity of Life’s Invitation to BE FULLY HUMAN.
“There is about wisdom a nobility and magnificence in the fact that she doesn’t just fall to a person’s lot, that each man owes her to his own efforts, that one doesn’t go to anyone other than oneself to find her.” Seneca
Now let’s venture a little deeper into the second half of liberal education; the Quadrivium, or “Four Roads” which begin to reveal the interrelated, universal harmonies unfolding in all dimensions of reality.
Those four roads are:
- Maths: pure number.
- Geometry: number in space.
- Music: number in time.
- Astronomy: number in time-space.
The easiest way to discover that is by answering the question: “What is a number?”
99.9% of us learned that numbers represent quantities.
Of course they do, but what else do numbers reveal? Our whole programming has led us to relate to life quantitatively and definitionally.
Numbers are not only quantities. They are also qualities and relational.
Consider the number five, for example. What do you know of the qualities of five? You have five fingers. Your body has five edges; two arms, two legs, one head. What else is five a quality of?
Take an apple and cut across the axis from stem to base and notice what is there. Go out and see the fruit trees in bloom. How many petals do their flowers have?
How long have you been walking on a planet, eating apples, seeing flowers and how much have you noticed of the Universal Harmonic Principles which surround you, as what you call “number” and “geometry,” yet thought were only dead ideas irrelevant to your sense-able appreciation and celebration of LIVING?Notice. Not as accusation or humiliation but as the exact reflection of the condition of what you call “intelligence,” and may actually be its perfect contrary.
“Know thyself” is written above the lintel at the entrance to the Temple of Wisdom. “Know Thyself.” Surely you’ve heard “know thyself” a hundred times. But how does one proceed to do that? What is the object of your study? Who is the subject of your study? How do you resolve the separation, or achieve it?
Start with the obvious, the embarrassingly obvious, and you will be well on your way. Notice what you think “knowing” is, and how you come to it. Notice your world and dare to delight in it.
To understand Nature, and to engage with inner and outer Nature harmonically, requires Seeing it, Hearing it, and Moving with it in a harmonic manner which respects the relational and consequential qualities of reality. The Quadrivium starts with numbers, not only as quantities, but as qualities of relatedness which have inherent, emergent, consequential and creative properties that are not only observable in the “number” itself, but in the entirety of the cosmos. explores some of these qualities.
When you read the four elements of the Quadrivium as Maths, Geometry, Music and Astronomy, if your initial impression is anything like mine was, your eyes probably glazed over, once again. Why?
Because we learned about all of these topics in almost-complete absence of connection to anything real in our world. That is the very nature of the trickery that enslaves us. The goal of public instruction, masquerading as “schooling” has been accomplished, making us almost completely immune to any coherent learning for a lifetime!
“In our dreams, people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions of intellectual and character education fade from their minds and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into men of learning or philosophers, or men of science. We have not to raise up from them authors, educators, poets, or men of letters, great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, statesmen, politicians, creatures of whom we have ample supply. The task is simple. We will organize children and teach them in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way.”
~ First mission statement of the J.D. Rockefeller-endowed General Education Board in 1906
Let’s imagine, however, that you know you’re being gamed by your culture, and you want to expand and hone your game. What follows is an Offering to your mastery for just that purpose.
It takes a very CURIOUS, persistent and playful approach to “Know Thyself,” just as we are right now, without changing ANYTHING, and then to begin to notice the possibilities of exploring the actual parameters and perimeters beyond the limits of what you’ve actually explored and engaged with, not just defined, according to your programming and thus, came to conclusions about.
Richard Merrick is a fascinating and curious case of someone learning the Quadrivium in its qualitative aspects by tracking out what he discovers connectively, qualitatively, and relationally, starting from a topic he’s passionate about. Pay attention and you’ll discover something of the stunning Beauty that permeates our world.
The following talk is one that illustrates the connections between math, geometry, music and astronomy in the way of a curious line of inquiry, along with the profound ways in which what masquerades as “science,” today, continues to be crippled by an incoherence with roots going back to the Catholic Church, and much further back.
As a musician, Richard Merrick began to question why certain aspects of music theory essential to playing jazz were rendered extremely complicated and even secretive in his classical music education. Eventually he discovered a whole forbidden side to music, with profound implications for the entirety of how not only music, but even scientific investigation are carried out today. Science, far from a tool of enlightenment, is still hampered by its ignorance of our ancestral sciences of coherence, and may very well constitute a further endarkenment of knowledge.
To someone unfamiliar with the Quadrivium, as most scientists today are not, such a statement may seem a far stretch. Apply yourself and you will learn something.
This is a fascinating tale of someone discovering the interrelated, coherent understanding that is essential to the education of the free, by following a single thread – in this case a musical one – all the way to the qualities, proportions and relationships that generate music, matter, and form, and the emergent qualities of a dynamic world evolving from underlying principles.
Merrick is effectively talking about the Quadrivium, but I don’t recall him ever actually using the term “quadrivium.” He came upon it from music, as he explains, and then realizing how the dynamics at play in music unfold in geometry, number and astronomy. I found it particularly fascinating because it’s a case of someone discovering the interrelated, emergent qualities that the Quadrivium is designed to aid us in appreciating, by bringing profound curiosity and puzzlement to a singular passion of his, only to discover its connections to underlying principles which organize our entire universe – precisely what the Quadrivium was designed to make clear, and what our instruction did not make clear, for most of us.
I hope to stimulate your curiosity, and a growing appreciation for the depth of adventure, learning and discovery that Nature invites us to.
Before we get started with Richard Merrick’s interview, however, I want to give you a visual and sonic “hit” of the relationships between number, geometry and music, not as some intellectual “idea,” but as the qualitative experience of their connection. The patterns you see in this video (cymatics) are generated by the music.
Having seen this, Richard Merrick’s interview will make far more sense.
Those wanting to delve deeper into how the Quadrivium unfolds at all aspects of our biology and universe, Richard Merrick has a superb introduction entitled Harmonically Guided Evolution. It goes deeper into topics introduced in the talk, with visuals. It is an amazing and coherent view of how evolution occurs as an emergent quality of the emergent harmonic principles that are inherent properties of light, matter and form, and an amazing challenge to the crude Darwinian “survival of the fittest” approach which came about after Europeans began re-examining Nature after more than a thousand years of forced ignorance of our most ancient and coherent ways of knowing the harmonic inter-relationships that permeate all aspects of reality.
Merrick proposes that our very shapes, proportions and qualities, as living beings, are emergent qualities of the carbon-12 and water molecules of which we are composed, which, in turn, organize themselves in patterns inherent to the organizational dynamics of the light and energy of which they are composed. Once again, these are qualities of number, unfolding in geometry, sound and our solar system, as well as our very own anatomies. It’s a surprising view that reconnects us with a coherent thread that unites all levels of existence in an emergent, micro-cosmic & macro-cosmic evolutionary adventure with far more elegance than the “survival of the fittest” model of Darwinian evolution, once again, hampered by its severance from the coherent understanding of emergent harmonic principles.
Enduring civilizations learned to engage in harmonic, dynamic, full-spectrum balance with a changing, living reality. Our dys-harmonic notions of science, today, on the other hand, act counter, and in ignorance of, the multi-dimensional levels of coherence and consequence inherent to our unfolding, living, reality
Now, of course, some of you may look over the Richard Merrick article and say, “WHOA! This is beyond me.”
Don’t disqualify yourself or your intelligence, and don’t try to slowly read it all in one sitting. Have FUN with it. Peruse it. Get an overview of it, and then come back to it, later. No matter what your field of endeavor, these same harmonic principles are at play at all levels of reality, which is precisely why no one has shown us how to lead ourselves to grasping them coherently and playfully. Notice I said “lead ourselves” and “playfully.”
Richard Merrick’s interview and essay explore relationships between resonance and damping. Apply that to what you think “learning” is, and how you learned to “learn,” or not learn. Much of our instructional programming in post-conquest cultures is actually an almost-total dampening of intelligence. Consider that, however dramatic that sounds, there’s a powerful key available to any one of us in simply considering how to learn in resonance, and then to play with the forces of dampening and augmentation.
We revive our Natural Intelligence by becoming more playful with it, creating new ways to approach such dense material as Merrick’s essay. If you peruse it and find it dense. Ask yourself how to engage with it spaciously. Peruse it sensorily. Discover other approaches and permutations and you’ll discover new things about the world and about how to lead yourself into learning, creativity, playfulness, inventiveness, generativity and discovery.
See what catches your interest in a sensual, curious overview of perhaps 5 to 10 minutes of the material. Then let it sit for a few days, or even weeks, before coming back to it with a different approach. Everything he is talking about is what we are, so simply coming into contact with the patterning awakens that patterning inside of us to re-cognize itself – to begin thinking and knowing from the patterning we, and everything around us, expresses.
This is the amazing power of liberal education. It is fractal, coherent learning that connects at all levels of reality. We not only begin to recognize the world we are in, we being to re-cognize ourselves as coherent expressions of it, and find our way to engaging in life coherently with our living, evolutionary, harmonic patterning.
There is a Beauty you ARE and that you are IN, as the Human Shape of a Magnificent (magni: “great” + facere: “doing”, a Great Doing, the Great Work) Unfolding whose qualities, proportions and relationships connect us coherently, in the emergent interplay of related universal harmonies.
Gather Seeds,
-Of Wisdom.
There's a way of LIVING where it really means something to be ALIVE, when we Align Our Way of Living with Our Actual Living Design. Many of us have settled for Struggle, as a way of Life, without the Keys to Understanding Why.
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