Freestyling on Mexico, Language, Relatedness, and Empire

0 votes Tzotzil Mayan Life-Giver, Chiapas, MexicoIn speaking of “Ancestry” the Elegance of this Woman’s Presence reflects that. So do the Shapes of all that Her Presence Honors; the Elevated Status offered to Her Ancestral Corn, the Basket of Tortillas … Continued

Straight and Crooked-Heads: An Amazonian Journey Beyond Non-Sense

1 voteAmong many, rooted, local, indigenous people, all over the world, the norm is for people to speak 4 or 5 different languages. This may sound surprising to city folk, but living in long-rooted, rural communities anywhere in the world … Continued

Zen Road to Affluence

0 votesMarshall Sahlins, in his essay The Original Affluent Society about the nature of so-called “hunter-gatherer” societies, describes them as “taking the Zen road to affluence.” What he boils their success to is “limited necessities and a proliferation of means.” … Continued

Be Your Own Best Student

0 votesTeaching around the world for six years taught me more than I ever imagined. I’m still harvesting powerful nuggets about teaching, learning, how to be my own best student from that experience, and integrating them into new learning adventures. … Continued

Grow in Aliveness

0 votesHow do we Grow in Aliveness? How do we shape the Invitation that our Life unfolds in? How does our Aliveness touch the Aliveness which surrounds us? Feel it. It is very SIMPLE. Sometimes too simple. It lays us … Continued

Triskele: Creation in Motion

0 votesTriskele: Tools for Finding Our Way The triskele, or three-legged whirling cross, features prominently in the art of people around the world. It is an ancient tool for Finding Our Way in a dynamic universe. The word triskele comes from … Continued

The Tribes of Europe

0 votesJohn Trudell is a contemporary poet, thought leader, spoken-word musician, former American Indian Movement leader, member of the Santee Sioux nation and a compassionate, insightful and lucid thinker on contemporary issues whose spirit and temper is very much in … Continued