Learning to Photoread

1 voteHow do we read? WHAT do we read with? Most of us, in getting through a book from cover to cover, are convinced we “know how to read.” As mentioned in Chopping Onions and Initiation, it’s the daily gestures … Continued

Triskele: Creation in Motion

0 votesTriskele: Tools for Finding Our Way The triskele, or three-legged whirling cross, features prominently in the art of people around the world. It is an ancient tool for Finding Our Way in a dynamic universe. The word triskele comes from … Continued

Journey Out and Back

0 votesWhen I began to apprentice with my teacher, Rockman, and the last of his Latgawa-Takelma teachers, Suhgehseh, I entered into a surprising Journey of Self-Willed Transformation whose Nature would reveal itself to me over decades. Soon I met other … Continued