Freestyling on Mexico, Language, Relatedness, and Empire

0 votes Tzotzil Mayan Life-Giver, Chiapas, MexicoIn speaking of “Ancestry” the Elegance of this Woman’s Presence reflects that. So do the Shapes of all that Her Presence Honors; the Elevated Status offered to Her Ancestral Corn, the Basket of Tortillas … Continued

Spirituality – Spirare – To Breathe

1 voteSpirituality-Spirare-To Breathe The word “spirituality” comes from the Latin spirare, “to breathe.” What’s the connection between “spirituality” and “breathing”? Grab a New Testament and look up what is translated as “Holy Spirit” and you’ll discover two words: pneuma: “breath, … Continued

The Tribes of Europe

0 votesJohn Trudell is a contemporary poet, thought leader, spoken-word musician, former American Indian Movement leader, member of the Santee Sioux nation and a compassionate, insightful and lucid thinker on contemporary issues whose spirit and temper is very much in … Continued

Emerging into Being

2 votesAll Life has the Quality of Emerging into Being, meaning that the qualities of previous stages of development and organization grow out into subsequent and greater, emergent stages of development and organization. What does this have to do with … Continued

The First Freedom

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1 voteOur Sense of Freedom Take a moment to consider, even write out on a piece of paper, freestyle and spontaneously, what comes up for you when you hear the word “freedom.” Notice the various emotions, questions, enthusiasms, ideas, beliefs, … Continued