Genghis and the Grass Eaters

posted in: Conquest, Indigenous, Slavery | 0

1 voteAfter watching the movie Mongol,  about Genghis Khan’s life story, my curiosity was piqued. I discovered an amazing Tale of Wisdom, Humanity, Courage, Survival, Ancestry, Will-to-Live, Excellence, Learning, Conquest, and unfolding Consequences that informed much of what I have … Continued

What is RIGHT about Addiction?

1 voteWhat’s right about addiction?  This is a strange way to frame a question about addiction, isn’t it? It’s a question I never asked in twenty-five years of critical care nursing. When I started teaching in 2009 and got challenged … Continued

Educating Ourselves to Thrive

4 votesToday we’re going to witness a powerful example of what it means to start leading ourselves to thrive. There’s more in that little sentence than meets the first impression. If you’re receiving the Deep Freedom Now newsletter and reading … Continued