Make Sense of Christmas, Using Your Senses

0 votesWe can make sense of Christmas with our senses. Sound surprising? Sense-ability has nothing to do with belief or disbelief. It’s an aspect of Sacred Stories that most of us ignore entirely because our own Ancestral Stories, and their … Continued

Straight and Crooked-Heads: An Amazonian Journey Beyond Non-Sense

1 voteAmong many, rooted, local, indigenous people, all over the world, the norm is for people to speak 4 or 5 different languages. This may sound surprising to city folk, but living in long-rooted, rural communities anywhere in the world … Continued

Tracking Trackless Tao

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3 votesI began studying Oriental philosophy at age 13. That was when such phrases as “tracking trackless Tao” or “tracking the trackless Way” and “Zen” entered my awareness. Although I wasn’t quite sure what they meant, I thought that “not … Continued