Freestyling on Mexico, Language, Relatedness, and Empire

0 votes Tzotzil Mayan Life-Giver, Chiapas, MexicoIn speaking of “Ancestry” the Elegance of this Woman’s Presence reflects that. So do the Shapes of all that Her Presence Honors; the Elevated Status offered to Her Ancestral Corn, the Basket of Tortillas … Continued

Zen Road to Affluence

0 votesMarshall Sahlins, in his essay The Original Affluent Society about the nature of so-called “hunter-gatherer” societies, describes them as “taking the Zen road to affluence.” What he boils their success to is “limited necessities and a proliferation of means.” … Continued

Tracking Trackless Tao

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3 votesI began studying Oriental philosophy at age 13. That was when such phrases as “tracking trackless Tao” or “tracking the trackless Way” and “Zen” entered my awareness. Although I wasn’t quite sure what they meant, I thought that “not … Continued

Learning to Photoread

1 voteHow do we read? WHAT do we read with? Most of us, in getting through a book from cover to cover, are convinced we “know how to read.” As mentioned in Chopping Onions and Initiation, it’s the daily gestures … Continued

Beyond For and Against

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0 votes Beyond For and Against: A Journeyman Tale He sat in the woods. A large owl or hawk flew low, weaving through the ponderosas. He smiled. They revealed the Nature of an attention beyond for and against; the Hunter’s … Continued

How Simple is Rich?

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1 voteIf you’re receiving the complimentary course via newsletter (in the blue box to the right), you’re probably noticing how backwards everything we’ve been programmed to believe and repeat is. Our instruction was intentionally designed to cripple our learning. Most … Continued