Freestyling on Mexico, Language, Relatedness, and Empire

0 votes Tzotzil Mayan Life-Giver, Chiapas, MexicoIn speaking of “Ancestry” the Elegance of this Woman’s Presence reflects that. So do the Shapes of all that Her Presence Honors; the Elevated Status offered to Her Ancestral Corn, the Basket of Tortillas … Continued

SNAFU Principle

posted in: Education, Neurology, Slavery | 1

0 votesThe SNAFU priciple refers to a military acronym that points to how hierarchical structures lead to distorted communication and stands for “Situation Normal-All Fucked Up.”  Truth-full, trust-worthy communication is only possible between equals. Work out all the permutations of … Continued

Learning to Photoread

1 voteHow do we read? WHAT do we read with? Most of us, in getting through a book from cover to cover, are convinced we “know how to read.” As mentioned in Chopping Onions and Initiation, it’s the daily gestures … Continued

Sophists Shape the Sophisticated

0 votesSophists: Philosophical Mercenaries In part One of this mini-series I asked you the question: Are You Primitive or Sophisticated? Did you actually track that out beyond just reading the article? What did you discover? We also reviewed the Nature … Continued

Are You Primitive or Sophisticated?

1 voteTake a moment and notice your visceral response to the question: “Are you primitive or sophisticated?” The Cat’s in the Bag We’re going to go for a stroll through our cultural programming, ancient history and things we talk about … Continued

Be Your Own Best Student

0 votesTeaching around the world for six years taught me more than I ever imagined. I’m still harvesting powerful nuggets about teaching, learning, how to be my own best student from that experience, and integrating them into new learning adventures. … Continued

Full-Spectrum Bio-Harmonic Intelligence

0 votesFull Spectrum Bio-Harmonic Intelligence There are profound differences between living organisms and machines. We are designed for full spectrum bio-harmonic intelligence, where the entirety of our capacities reflect emergent qualities growing synergistically in the full spectrum of our Aliveness. … Continued