Freestyling on Mexico, Language, Relatedness, and Empire

0 votes Tzotzil Mayan Life-Giver, Chiapas, MexicoIn speaking of “Ancestry” the Elegance of this Woman’s Presence reflects that. So do the Shapes of all that Her Presence Honors; the Elevated Status offered to Her Ancestral Corn, the Basket of Tortillas … Continued

SNAFU Principle

posted in: Education, Neurology, Slavery | 1

0 votesThe SNAFU priciple refers to a military acronym that points to how hierarchical structures lead to distorted communication and stands for “Situation Normal-All Fucked Up.”  Truth-full, trust-worthy communication is only possible between equals. Work out all the permutations of … Continued

Make Sense of Christmas, Using Your Senses

0 votesWe can make sense of Christmas with our senses. Sound surprising? Sense-ability has nothing to do with belief or disbelief. It’s an aspect of Sacred Stories that most of us ignore entirely because our own Ancestral Stories, and their … Continued

Grief and Praise

0 votesHere’s a Gem on the Medicine of Grief and Praise from the magnificent Martín Prechtel, a half Swiss-American, half Canadian Cree Gem of a Man who grew up with the Santo Domingo People of New Mexico before finding his … Continued

Genghis and the Grass Eaters

posted in: Conquest, Indigenous, Slavery | 0

1 voteAfter watching the movie Mongol,  about Genghis Khan’s life story, my curiosity was piqued. I discovered an amazing Tale of Wisdom, Humanity, Courage, Survival, Ancestry, Will-to-Live, Excellence, Learning, Conquest, and unfolding Consequences that informed much of what I have … Continued

Anosognosia, why the stupid believe they are smart

posted in: Conquest, Indigenous, Neurology | 5

1 voteIn neurology the term anosognosia describes someone with a disability who is unaware of the disability. For example, some patients have strokes, with half of their body paralyzed, and remain totally unaware that they cannot move half of their … Continued

20th Century Sophist: Edward Bernays

posted in: Conquest, Slavery | 1

0 votes Today we continue with Part 3 of our mini-series with the portrait of a 20th Century sophist. Edward Bernays, the Jewish,  Austro-American nephew of Sigmund Freud, applied the psychological theories of his uncle on a mass scale, manipulating … Continued

Sophists Shape the Sophisticated

0 votesSophists: Philosophical Mercenaries In part One of this mini-series I asked you the question: Are You Primitive or Sophisticated? Did you actually track that out beyond just reading the article? What did you discover? We also reviewed the Nature … Continued