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Dolmen – Ink Drawing 6″ x 9″ (15.2cm x 22.75cm)
Dolmen are found all over the world and on all continents. They align with solar and astronomical concordances, revealing our relationship to place and to the Whole Universe, through connection, Inviting Multi-Faceted Attention, revealing our relationship to Inter-Woven Harmonics that We, and the Galaxies Unfold in, Microcosm to Macrocosm, and Back Again.
They are also often tombs which, in the Way of Original Peoples, are not only places to be buried, but also places to be reborn in Wisdom, in Relatedness to these Greater Harmonics of Aliveness. There is a writing that appears like a "!": It says, "It is here (dot), pointing at it." This symbol often appears in light on shadow at many Megalithic Sacred Sites during solstices or equinoxes.
Original, Signed Ink Drawing by Journeyman O on 100% Cotton 140 lb Acid-Free Paper.
Size 6"x9", International Shipping is Available
"©" watermark is not on the original.